
ESG Oversight

The Nominating and Governance Committee of the Robinhood Markets Inc. Board of Directors oversees our corporate governance framework. This includes our ESG strategy, reporting efforts, and program, including risks related to our corporate governance practices, the performance of our Board, and the composition of our Board. The People Committee oversees risks relating to executive compensation and Human Capital Management (HCM), including risks related to our executive compensation plans and arrangements, our compensation philosophy and practices, succession planning, and other HCM matters, including risks related to, among other things, culture, and inclusion efforts.

Privacy & Security

Protecting our customer and employee data is a top priority. We work to continuously improve the protections we afford our customers and the data they entrust to us. Privacy and security work in concert from risk management planning through product design and incident response. We also have a robust process for reviewing new technology, including the development and deployment of the use of artificial intelligence.


We integrate privacy and safety by design at Robinhood. We engage privacy and security experts throughout the software development lifecycle and operational design processes. Our commitments to data privacy are outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Security Enhancements

To strengthen the protection of Robinhood’s customers, we have:

  • Enhanced our data loss prevention program to further detect and restrict the ability to move data outside Robinhood.
  • Deployed device approvals by default for certain high-risk workflows, including money movement flows like withdrawals.
  • Pinned a dedicated Robinhood customer support number on Google search to combat malicious ads with fake Robinhood customer service numbers.
  • Improved password hygiene alerting that nudges customers who have had their email/password combos exposed in a third party data breach outside of Robinhood.
  • Published an article on phishing and how customers can protect themselves from scammers.

Public Policy at Robinhood

We built Robinhood to be a new kind of financial services company - one aimed at helping everyone build toward their financial goals. We’re committed to partnering with our customers, policymakers, and market participants to expand and preserve access to the markets. For more information, click here.